Simple Ways to Improve Search Results

Five Ways to Make Google Love You

Google is where it is at. If Google loves you, you can expect your traffic to dramatically increase. You should provide useful content, but that’s up to you. Let’s see what we can do about making Google fall in love with you.

1. Keep your code clean. Messy HTML is not something that robots and spiders can digest. You might get the complete “talk-to-the-hand” from Google if they don’t understand what you’re trying to say. Keep it simple stupid (KISS).

2. Be search engine friendly. What do I mean? Avoid frames, URLs with question marks or other punctuation, and Java or Flash buttons. Simple enough.

3. Develop pages within your site that are keyword focused. Each page within your site should be focused on different keywords.

4. Search Engine Friendly pages won’t interfere with your main page. If you’re optimizing pages for search engines, like our sweetheart, Google, you can unintentionally develop a hiccup between the visitor and the purchase process. Traffic that doesn’t push the buy button won’t do you much good. Create multiple pages designed to perform well in searches, and funnel traffic back to the sales page.

5. Have dynamic descriptions of your website show up in search engines. If you have the top ranking, but your site description doesn’t inspire folks to click through, you might have the ranking, but you won’t have the traffic.

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